Real World Style

css layouts, tips, tricks, and techniques

Giraffe peeking out of the image...

Main | December 2003 »

November 25, 2003

CSS Crib sheet

Dave Shea has given his CSS Crib Sheet a permanent home. Speaking of Dave, if you haven’t looked in awhile, you owe yourself a stroll through his CSS Zen Garden—there’s a lot of great designs in there...

Posted by Mark at 04:05 PM

November 25, 2003

No Margin for Error

Andy Budd analyzes and explains how collapsing margins can affect your CSS layouts. Important information to keep in mind when designing your site, especially when using margins to control vertical whitespace. This also affects floated elements and clearing floated elements. I ran into this problem when working on the latest version of this site. I had to add a border to various elements to get them to behave the way I wanted them to. And now I know why.

Might want to bookmark this one...

Posted by Mark at 04:03 PM

RWS Blog

What used to be Real World Style’s NEWS section is now a proper blog. It uses Movable Type and includes an news feed for those who wish to keep up with posts here. I hope to update this page with more regularity the in the past.


Posted by Mark at 03:44 PM