Style. In the real world.
Let’s face it, in the real world there are still a significant number of people using antiquated browsers to surf the web. The Netscape 4 family just celebrated 5 years! I don’t know about you, but in my job upwards of 16% of our visitors are viewing our site using Netscape 4.x.
On Unix machines.
Frankly, this makes marking up documents with XHTML and using CSS2 for layout rather difficult at times. Fortunately for you, I’ve already put the hours in to making things work on these folks’ browsers of choice, and where things won’t work, I’ve figured out how to hide it.
These techniques work. I know, because I use them every day in my real world job.
Giving back
Now I am offering them to you. As far as I am concerned, the basic layout concepts and techniques I offer here are in the public domain. You don’t even have to credit me if you don’t want to (though I’d still love to hear how you have used these ideas). So take the mark up and the style sheets, and use them as you see fit. The content is all mine, though; that is what the copyright notice at the bottom of each page covers.
If you’ve found the information on these pages beneficial to you or your organization, and want to thank me in a tangible way we can talk. You can hire me as a consultant, or have me come speak to your group about how to implement these and similar techniques for your organization.